1) Many people often make a ___________ between London and New York (COMPARE) a) compare b) comparition c) comparison d) comparesion 2) This book _______ as a series of lectures about shipwrecks, which were given two decades ago. (ORIGIN) a) original b) originality c) originally d) originated 3) If you weren't so __________ of Ben, he'd be happier to spend time with you. (CRITIC) a) critical b) criticism c) critically d) criticize 4) When shopping online, many people use price _____________ websites (COMPARE) a) comparing b) comparison c) comparator d) comparable 5) Microsoft made several _________ to the new operating system before they release it. (IMPROVE) a) improving b) improvements c) improvidences d) improvidents 6) She met all the _______ demanded, so she got the job. (REQUIRE) a) requirements b) requisitions c) requests d) requisitioners 7) It is not __________ for school balls to take place at the beginning of the term. (COMMON) a) uncommon b) commonly c) incommon d) commonality 8) Safety _____ at underground and train stations have been heightened because of the bomb threats. (REGULATE) a) regulatories b) rules c) regulations d) regulars 9) The government has set up an __________ program to curb smoking. (AMBITION) a) ambitioning b) ambiguous c) unambitious d) ambitious 10) _____________ believe saving the world is an easy task. (ENVIRONMENT) a) environmentalists b) environments c) environmentists d) environmentals



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