This type of logic moves from general principles to specific cases.  - Deductive Reasoning, What occurs when we put things into groups, classes, or categories in our minds? - Simple Apprehension, When we think about a relationship between two terms, we are doing what? - Making a judgement, After making a judgement about one or more propositions and we conclude that yet another proposition follows, we are making a what? - An inference, When we arrange terms and words in a proposition so that either affirms or negates something about a topic, we have put the proposition in _____________ form. - Categorical, What are statements of fact that have a truth-value? - Propositions, What is the truth of falsity of a proposition - Truth-Value, Phrases like "therefore," "thus," "so," "it follows from," and "in conclusion" indication what? - A conclusion is about to follow, Phrases like "since," "because," "for these reasons," and "it follows from," indicate what? - A premise is about to follow, A proposition contain a ___________ and a __________. - Subject and predicate, Deductive arguments typically have ________ prepositions. Describe what they are. - 3 prepositions: 2 premises and 1 conclusion., The logic name for the being verb is called this. - Copula, Provide an example for a Universal Affirmative and what letter is associated with it? - Answers will vary. A, Provide an example for a Universal Negative and what letter is associated with it? - Answers will vary. E, Provide an example for a Particular Negative and what letter is associated with it? - Answers will vary. O, Provide an example for a Particular Affirmative and what letter is associated with it? - Answers will vary. I,

Formal Logic Cumulative Review


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