1) _____________ is essential. If they don't like it, they won't give it a good review a) customer satisfaction b) fund c) revenue 2) It's difficult to ___________. Success needs to be earnt. a) entrepreneur b) make it to the top c) fund 3) __________ has doubled this quarter. That's a lot of money a) bureaucracy b) revenue c) enterprise 4) Our company is very _______. We have many testimonials a) fund b) resolve c) reputable 5) An ___________ has to be very driven and hard-working a) entrepreneur b) taxpayer c) businessman 6) We need a big investor to ________ our startup a) pay b) fund c) spend 7) This new __________will earn more money than the last a) consensus b) taxpayer c) enterprise 8) The labour party _________ the new law on fracking a) opposed b) disagreed c) agreed 9) The _________ was absolute and parliament passed the law a) idea b) consensus c) bureaucracy 10) The president ________ this bizarre notion in the people a) gave b) put c) instil 11) The people's __________ to benefits has gone too far a) entitlement b) opinion c) resolve 12) __________ are footing the bill for the banks mistakes a) entrepreneurs b) taxpayers c) burses 13) ___________ is making the process counterproductive. There's so much red tape. a) contracts b) bureaucracy c) bills 14) The government _______ to close the nuclear power stations a) maintained b) forced c) resolved

IELTS - Business and Politics - Vocabulary


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