Go to: https://bit.ly/3qlQZ7H to hear each sound, team / people, bill / decide, serious / beard, carry / land, friendly / said, airport / their, comedy / watch, wall / caught, warm / course, juice / student, should / look, plural / mature, tough / money, bottom / about, work / turn, hour / brown, stone / although, garden / heart, they / weight, noisy / enjoy, height / island, pumpkin / shopping, crab / probably, headache / course, golf / colleague, enough / tough, of / believe, passed / worked, bored, science / twice, nose / cousin, sugar / explanation , usually / confusion, teeth / throw, that / the, future / cheat, jealous / gentle, salary / until, wrong / ready, once / whistle, university / argue, lamb / arm, knew / honest, spring / tongue, who / perhaps,

1 Pronunciation - Introducing phonetic flashcards

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