1) You are wearing a pair of white new shoes. Someone in the bus steps on them leaving a grey stain on them. How would you feel? 2) You're in Transmilenio listening to music with your headphones. Suddenly, the music stops. You check your pocket, but you cannot find your phone. You realize someone has stolen it. 3) You're walking home late in the night and the street is alone. Suddenly, you feel someone is following you so you turn around but you see no one. Then, there's a man in front of you with a knife. 4) You see a dog trying to cross an avenue. There are many cars but the dog starts crossing it. You see a car driving at high speed endangering the dog's life. 5) It's 6:30 am and the Transmilenio is very crowded. The windows are closed and someone farts. How would you feel? 6) You're walking in the street when, suddenly, you see a little child stumbles and then falls. How would you feel? 7) You have an important exam at 7 am, you're late and there's a traffic jam. It's 6:45 am and you're still far from the university. 8) You're in a hurry and you remember you didn't turn off the stove when you went out of your home. What emotions would you have? 9) You've spent a lot of time on a final arts project for school. You think its presentation is in two weeks, but as you arrive at the school, you see everyone with their final project, getting ready to present it.

Everyday Situations


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