1) Who is the protagonist of our novel? a) Tiny Tim b) Ebenezer Scrooge c) All the spirits d) Jacob Marley 2) Which character symbolizes charity? a) Marley b) Fred c) Tiny Tim d) Fan 3) A character who is exaggerated in called ... a) dynamic b) static c) caricature d) foil 4) Which spirit represents both wisdom and innocence? a) Ghost of Christmas Past b) Ghost of Christmas Present c) Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come d) Marley 5) This novel is considered a ... a) historical fiction b) drama c) short story d) episodic novel 6) Who is a static character in this story? a) Scrooge b) Fred c) Marley 7) What does the black robe of The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come symbolize? a) death b) goodwill c) wisdom d) age 8) Where is the climax of the entire novel? a) at Fezziwig's party b) when Belle breaks up with Scrooge c) when Scrooge sees his grave d) when Tiny Tim dies 9) What warns Scrooge that spirits are coming? a) windows shutting all of a sudden b) a light c) bells d) spirits appearing 10) What is the overall problem of the novel? a) Marley can't escape his chains. b) Fred wants to have a relationship with his uncle. c) Tiny Tim may die. d) Scrooge needs to change or be doomed. 11) Who should we be aware of the most in Stave 3? a) Want b) Marley c) random spirits d) Ignorance 12) Who was Scrooge's first job with ? a) Mrs Dilber b) Dick Wilkins c) Fezziwig d) the counting house 13) What does Dickens use in his writings that make it so powerful? a) his own experiences b) his other stories c) the hatred of his father 14) A recurring theme or object within a story is a ... a) foil b) episodic novel c) caricature d) motif 15) a struggle within oneself a) self-reflection b) internal conflict c) turmoil d) external conflict

A Christmas Carol novel review


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