1) Who has responsibility for safeguarding in in early years? a) Everyone b) The Designated Safeguarding Lead c) All Safeguarding Leads d) The setting manager 2) Who should you talk to if you have a concern about a child? a) The Parents/Carers b) The Designated Safeguarding Lead c) A colleague d) The room leader 3) Who should you go to if you have a concern about the behaviour of another member of staff in relation to child protection? a) The member of staff themselves b) The Designated Safeguarding Lead c) A colleague d) The deputy manager 4) What should you do if a child makes a disclosure to you? a) Promise the child that you will not tell anyone else. b) Ask leading questions to find out more information about the disclosure c) Maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality; liaise with the designated safeguarding lead d) Take photographs of the child bruises 5) Should you record any concerns about a child in writing? a) Yes b) No - I must listen to their concerns and take no notes. 6) How often should staff receive training on child protection and safeguarding? a) Biannually b) Every 5 years c) Annually 7) What are the four main types of abuse? a) Physical, spiritual, sexual, cultural b) Verbal, financial, sexual, neglect c) Psychological, physical, cultural, emotional d) Physical, emotional, sexual, neglect 8) What is Prevent in terms of safeguarding? a) Prevent neglect or sexual abuse b) Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism c) Prevent adults from abusing children

Safeguarding Quiz


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