1) I don't have __________ money a) enny b) any c) eny 2) A rainbow has ________ colours. a) many b) meny c) manny 3) I am ___________ happy. a) vary b) very c) verry 4) My house is __________. a) hear b) here c) heer 5) I'm sad ___________ my toy broke. a) becaus b) becuss c) because 6) He wants me to throw it _____________. a) agian b) agein c) again 7) Where ________ this piece go? a) dues b) does c) doze 8) He _________ down the letters. a) wrote b) rote c) writed 9) We ____________ brush our teeth. a) allways b) always c) olways 10) I ___________ the answer! a) no b) know c) knoe 11) He's _________ running a long time. a) ben b) bean c) been 12) The baby likes to ___________. a) laghf b) laff c) laugh 13) The brown one is ______________. a) difrent b) different c) diffrint 14) He has ____________ powers a) grate b) greight c) great 15) She ______________ about the question. a) thought b) thaught c) thoght 16) We saw lots of _____________. a) peepol b) poeple c) people 17) I _________ eat bananas. a) offen b) often c) oftin 18) There's no ____________ to sit. a) place b) plase c) plaice

Spelling High Frequency Words - Heart Words level 3A-6

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