CEREMONİES - Ceremonies are a movement organized with students in a community, where members distinguish and collect a certain person or value, which does not make any sense., DECLARATİON - don't tell, don't tell., INDEPENDENCE - Independence or independence is the ability of a nation or a state to be ruled by its own citizens or population. In other words, the sovereignty rights are not in the hands of another nation or a state., HONEST - Integrity is defined as “accuracy” in the TDK dictionary, and as “being one and the same” in other dictionaries, “reflecting the truth as it is”, “not hiding the truth”, “not trying to appear or show anything other than what one knows, believes or is”. Its meaning in Old Turkish is sincerity. ., RUDE - made without any care or concern for beauty, devoid of care and aesthetics, SHARE - to divide a whole into parts and divide among them, to share., MEAN - to take as an aim, to aim., BULLY - a person who has his own rules of honor and does not go beyond it, fights well, is fearless., GOSSIP - Gossip is talk about the personal and private matters of others. Although gossip was sometimes about real events and issues, it often included mistakes and distortions during the transmission of the event or news to each other, since it was spoken between people., KİND - sort., IMPATIENT - impatient (person), RESPONSİBLE  - (person) who has to be held accountable for the work he undertakes or does, and who has responsibility., MAKE FUN  - Talking deceitfully, mocking, having fun by putting the other person in the place of not understanding., HURT SOMEONE - to offend with a bad word or polite, upset., USE GREAT - extraordinarily beautiful, very beautiful (thing)., MANNERS - tore; non-traditional laws and rules without a script. It is used especially in the fields of law or war. Töre function comes from the verb to be derived, created and arranged in Old Turkic. The oldest writing in Turkish is found in 735 in the form of törü., THOUGHTFUL - to have a thought., CELEBRATİNG - to hold a ceremony on the anniversary of the occurrence of an important event., MEANİNGFUL - having a meaning., value - a numerical measure used to determine the necessity, importance of something.,



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