England, France, Spain - What 3 European countries explored the New World, God, Gold, Glory - What are the 3 reasons European countries explored and colonized the New World?, France - What European country was seeking fur trading?, Economy - What does geography influence?, Jamestown, VA - What is significance of the date 1607?, Virginia House of Burgess - What was the first representative government in the colonies?, Mayflower Compact - self-government - What is the significance of the date 1620?, New England - What colonial region had rocky soil and cold climate?, Middle - What colonial region was known as the breadbasket?, Southern - What colonial region was known for cash crops, plantations, and slaves?, Catholics - What group founded Maryland for religious freedom?, mercantilism - What is the name of the economic system where England controls the trade of the colonies?, Pilgrims - What group came to Plymouth, MA seeking religious freedom?, tobacco - What cash crop was grown in Jamestown?, Thomas Hooker - Who founded Connecticut and wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?, William Penn - What Quaker founded Pennsylvania?, Salutary Neglect - What led the colonists to create their own representative self governments?, Roger Williams - Who founded the colony of Rhode Island?, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut - What is the first written constitution in the colonies?, Spain - What European country established missions?,


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