polarised - the condition of a neurone when the movement of positively charged potassium ions out of the cell down the concentration gradient is opposed by the actively produced electrochemical gradient, leaving the inside of the cell slightly negative relative to the outside, resting potential - the potential difference across the membrane of around -70mV when the neurone is not transmitting an impulse, neurotransmitter - a chemical which transmits an impulse across a synapse, depolarisation - the condition of the neurone when the potential difference across the membrane is briefly reversed during an action potential, with the cell becoming positive on the inside with respect to the outside for approximately 1ms , threshold - the point when sufficient sodium ion channels open for the rush of sodium ions into the axon to be greater than the outflow of potassium ions, resulting in an action potential, refractory period - the time it takes for ionic movements to repolarise an area of the membrane and restore the resting potential after an action potential,

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