THE 6 ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS - Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, & Water, WATER - 70% of our body is made of this nutrient.  H20, VITAMINS - Helps other nutrients use energy. Ex. Vit. A & C in fruits & vegetables, MINERALS - Helps other nutrients build cells. Examples are calcium & iron.  , PROTEIN - Provides energy. Builds and repairs tissue. Found in meats, eggs, beans. , SATURATED FATS - Provides energy. Comes from animal fat. example-bacon (bad fat), SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES - Provides energy but not many nutrients. Example-candy and sweets. , CALORIES - measurement that shows the amount of energy a food produces in the body, UNSATURATED FATS - Provides Energy. Comes from plants. Example olive oil. (good fat), COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES - Provides energy. Has lots of nutrients found in grains, fruits and vegetables. , 3 NUTRIENTS THAT PROVIDE ENERGY (CALORIES) - Nutrients - Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, 3 NUTRIENTS THAT DO NOT PROVIDE ENERGY (NO CALORIES) - Nutrients - Vitamins, Minerals and Water,

6th Nutrition Assignment/Davis 2022


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