Have you ever _____ (eat) with chopsticks? Where was it? Did you find it difficult?, Have you ever _____(lose) your keys? Where did you lose them? What did you do?, Have you ever _____(win) a medal? When did you win? What was it for? What did you do with it?, Have you ever _____ (speak) to a celebrity? Who was it? When? What did you say?, Have you ever_____(arrive) late for an important event? Why were you late? What happened?, Have you ever _____ (be) to a theme park? Where was it? When? Did you have a good time?, Have you ever_____( buy) anything online? What was it? Did you have any problems?, Have you ever ____(forget) an important birthday? Whose bday was it? When did you remember? How did your friend feel?, Have you ever_____ (speak) English on the phone? Who did you speak to? What was it about? Did you understand?, Have you ever _____ (cook) for more than 10 people? What was the occasion? What did you cook? Was it a success?.

Present Perfect & Past Simple


لوحة الصدارة

البطاقات العشوائية قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.

النمط البصري


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