Sensory: Change lighting, Make sensory tools available, Adjust noise level, Provide areas of reduced distraction, Provide alternate forms of input, Reinforce engagement in alternate activities, Block all attempts of inappropriate sensory behavior, Escape: Adjust task difficulty, Alter mode of completion, Behavioral momentum, Change delivery of instruction, Request a break or alternate activity, Provide access to break immediately upon appropriate request, Block attempts to leave task, Continue to present task during engagement in target behavior, Attention: Scheduled access to peer/adult, Noncontingent attention, Opportunities for group/partner work, Peer tutoring opportunities, increase proximity, Ask for help, Acknowledge student following appropriate request, Planned ignoring, Tangible: Scheduled access to item/activity, Transition activity, Request item/alternate activity, Provide activity immediately upon appropriate request, Block attempts to access item,

Function-Based Intervention Check In


لوحة الصدارة

النمط البصري


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