1. Are there _________ sandwiches on the table? - any, 2. Have you got ________ apple in your bag? - an, 4. There is _________ biscuit on the plate. - a, 5. There isn't _________ coffee in the cup. - any, 6. We don't want ____________ bananas. - any, 7. I want _________ pasta and ______ onion. - some / an, 8. My mum doesn't drink ___________ tea. - any, 9. Jack needs ______ tomatoes for his salad. - some, 10. Is there ________ carrot in the soup? - a, 11. You can have __________ orange juice. - some, 12. For this burger we need __________ cheese. - some, 13. Is that __________ hot dog? - a, 14. Have you got __________ egg? - an, 16. Is there ___________ milk in the fridge? - any, 17. Is there ______________ cake? - any, 18. There is __________ olive oil in the cupboard. - some, 20. Are there _____________ apples in this pie? - any, 23. Can I have __________ apple? - an, 24. There is _____ pepper in the fridge. - a,

Some - Any - A/An (Countables/Uncountables)


لوحة الصدارة

اقلب البلاطات قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.

النمط البصري


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