1) I .......... to get tickets for the concert for weeks when they sold out  a) had tried b) had been tried c) had been trying 2) She ........... her homework by dinner time last night.  a) had finished b) had been finished c) had been finishing 3) I ............. the truth for days when she finally came clean.  a) had knew b) had known c) had been knowing 4) He was tired because he ................. basketball all afternoon. a) had been playing b) had played c) had been played 5) Pam ........... horses since she was a child. a) had been liked b) had liked c) had been liking 6) He ............ for eight hours and still wasn't awake when I called. a) had sleep b) had slept c) had been sleeping 7) She was hungry because she ................ since breakfast. a) hadn't eaten  b) hadn't been eating c) hadn't been eaten 8) By the age of 30, she .............. five different jobs. a) had been having b) had have c) had had 9) They ............. Spanish for five years before they visited Mexico. a) had been learning b) had learnt c) had been learnt 10) We ............ at the beach for a few minutes when it started raining. a) only had been b) had only being c) had only been

Past Perfect simple or Past Perfect continuous

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