ancilla (fem) - female slave, omnēs (masc/fem) - everyone, all, omnia (neuter) - everything, lucēre - to shine, to be light, surgere - to rise, to get up, observāre - to watch, purgāre - to clean, coquere - to cook, portāre - to carry, reprehendere - to scold, to blame, docēre - to teach, curāre - to care for, to look after, adiuvāre - to help, necesse est + infinitive - it is necessary to..., nōndum - not yet, mox - soon, nunc - now, ipsa - she herself, per - (+acc.) through, tamen - nevertheless, however, moreover, neque - and...not, pater (masc) - father, māter (fem) - mother, etiam - also, even, cibus (masc) - food, aqua (fem) - water, strēnuē - strenuously, hard, lānam trahere - to spin wool,

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