cast - ., soundtrack - the soundtrack the music of a film, review - .., scene - a scene part of a film happening in one place, B movie - ..., set - a set an environment used for filming, genre - ...., premiere - premiere the first showing of a film, star - ......, sequel - a sequel a film that continues with characters and/or events from a previous movie, blockbuster - ................, director - a director a person who supervises the actors and staff for a movie, CGI - ......., costume - a costume the clothes that a character wears, stunt - ........, extras - extras the people (not actors) who appear in the film, character - ........., actor - an actor or actress a person who performs in a film, trailer - .........., plot - the plot the story of a film, cameo - ..........., script - a script a piece of writing detailing a film's story, setting, and dialogue., special effects - ............, film buff - a film buff a film enthusiast,

Film Vocabulary Student B


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