1) I ___________________________ ride my bike alone; my mum had to help me.  a) couldn't b) wasn´t able to c) can 2) I was always great at painting! I ______________paint a portrait when I was seven. a) can b) was able to c) couldn´t d) could 3) I like to ride my rollerblades.  I _____________ ride them very well! a) can b) could c) am able to 4) I ate too much chocolate; I don't feel well today. I __________ go to the movies.  a) am not able to b) can't c) couldn't d) can e) could 5) Tomorrow I ______________________visit my aunt because I will have a competition at school in the afternoon.  a) can't b) will be able to c) won't be able to  6) When my little brother gets bigger, he _____________________ ride his bike. a) could b) can c) will be able to d) won't be able to

can - could - be able to


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