Alzheimer's Disease - It Is a degenerative brain disorder that manifests differently in each of its sufferers., Pica - People diagnosed with it have an insatiable urge to eat non-food substances like dirt, paper, glue and clay., Autoimmune Disorders - It treats the body's organs and normal functions as enemy invaders. They're usually chronic, always debilitating, and doctors can do little except ease their symptoms., Schizophrenia - Experts consider this the most puzzling of mental disorders, one which robs the sufferer of the ability to logically distinguish between reality and fantasy., CJD / Mad Cow - It can be contracted by eating contaminated beef. It is also always fatal, quick-acting., Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - More than just feeling a little tired. Patients are often bed-ridden for days at a time.,

Mind blowing diseases.


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