1) For me the best sport is ... because ... Do you agree with me? 2) I don't really like painting because it is ... What do you think? 3) In my opinion, reading is..... Do you agree with me? 4) For me, the best hobby is ...... because ... What about you? 5) I think that taking photos is fun because ... What do you think? 6) I don't think that collecting stamps is interesting because ... 7) In my opinion, playing the guitar is difficult because ... 8) I prefer doing my hobby with my friends because ... 9) For me, beach holidays are better than city holidays because ... 10) I think that Skiing is dangerous because ... Do you agree with me? 11) I don't think that beach holidays are expensive because ... 12) In my opinion holidays in the countryside are boring because ... 13) I think that city holidays are very interesting because ... 14) I don't really like going on holidays with my parents because ... 15) I don't think that cycling is dangerous because ... 16) I enjoy travelling by plane most because ... Do you like travelling by plane? 17) I really like walking especially when ... How about you? 18) I prefer buying things from markets because ... 19) My favourite place to buy things is in shopping centres because ..... Do you like shopping centres? 20) I prefer going shopping with my parents because ... What about you?

KET Speaking Part 2


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النمط البصري


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