1) We ran out of time and were forced to _______ the meeting. a) allocate b) address c) adjourn 2) If you have a _______ please wait until Marie has finished speaking. a) commence b) comment c) formality 3) The board members couldn't come to a _______ so they had to hold a vote. a) grievance b) designate c) consensus 4) Markus was away on business, so _______ was assigned. a) a show of hands b) an apology c) a proxy vote 5) Before we _______ I want to remind everyone to sign the attendance form on the way out. a) wrap up b) strategize c) recommend 6) In his _______ the chairman thanked everyone for doing such a good job. a) final agenda b) last ballot c) closing remarks 7) I'll _______ as soon as all of the board members take a seat. a) verify b) commence c) brainstorm 8) Since everyone was so _______ we were able to finish the meeting early. a) participant b) punctual c) confidential 9) We'll be discussing this year's profits at the _______ next month. a) AOB b) AGM c) GAM 10) At the meeting, the MD put forward _______ to eliminate all part-time positions. a) an action b) a caution c) a motion

English for meetings - Vocabulary Quiz

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