1) The pupils _________ the national anthem. a) sing b) sings c) sang d) are singing 2) Jane _________ the old woman to carry the luggage. a) help b) helping c) is helping d) are helping 3) Please remember to turn off the fan when you go ____________ . a) in b) out c) down d) here 4) John has ____________ to go so he stays at home. a) nowhere b) anywhere c) somewhere d) everywhere 5) There is only ___________ soup left. It is not enough for the two of us. a) some b) much c) a little d) many 6) The boys spent ___________ hours to complete the projects. a) an b) much c) a few d) a little 7) Gina found it very easy (opposite) to use a fan to fry an egg. a) fast b) heavy c) simple d) difficult 8) Choose the sentence with correct punctuation. a) "Hurray!" Shouted Ben happily. b) "Hurray," Shouted Ben happily. c) "Hurray!" shouted Ben happily. d) "Hurray," shouted Ben happily. 9) Mum, this is my friend Ken. a) Nice to meet you, Ken. b) Hello, Nice to meet you. c) Hello, Ken. d) Hello Ken, Nice to meet you e) How do you do? 10) Why do you look so sad? a) I don't know. b) Thank you. c) I lost my money. d) I sad because I lost my money. e) My dog died last night. f) My grandpa passed away last night 11) Dad, let's buy this dress for mum. a) Ok b) Ok, son. Let's buy that. c) That's a good idea. d) Okay, son. Let's buy that. 12) Mum, I can't find my trousers. a) You never listen. Where are your ears? b) Go find it yourself. I talk talk talk you dun wan listen. c) What is that on your bed? You blind or what? d) Let me help you find them son. e) Let's look for them. f) It's in your closet.

Revision Unit 1-3


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