1) It's a characteristic of living thinds. a) respiration system  b) oxygen c) respiration  2) Every cell in your body needs..............for respiration. a) aerobic respiration b) respiration system c) oxygen 3) Bronchioles end up dividing into tiny sac like stres. a) air sacs b) bronchiole c) ribs 4) They are also called wind pipe. a) bronchi b) air sacs c) trachea d) bronchiole 5) It uses oxygen from air and it heppens in side the cells. a) aerobic respiration b) respiration c) oxygen 6) The organ that helps to take oxygn out of air and get rid of carbon dioxide. a) aerobic respiration  b) respiration system c) respiration 7) It branches in to two bronchi,entering into each lung. a) branches b) trachea  c) air sacs  8) The ........................... includes trachea,broch,lungs,diophragm and the muscles between the ribs. a) branches b) air sacs c) respiration system

The human respiratory system

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النمط البصري


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