1) Yesterday I .... to work by bus. a) went b) gone c) go 2) What did you .... in the museum? a) saw b) see c) seen 3) John .... the vase. a) brought b) broke c) breaken 4) Two days ago my daughter .... a cat to our house. a) brang b) brought c) brout 5) We ... you at the playground last week. a) seen b) sow c) saw 6) I .... in the marathon 2 years ago. a) run b) ran c) rang 7) We ... some time together last summer. a) spend b) spent c) spelt 8) He ... a few words and ... asleep. a) written...fell b) wrote...fell c) wrote...felt 9) Susan ... terrible yesterday. She vomited a few times. a) fell b) fallen c) felt 10) We ... a lot of vegetables in our garden in the past. a) grown b) grew c) grewn 11) They ... to London last weekend. a) flay b) flyed c) flew 12) He ... me a lot when I .... at primary school. a) taught ... was b) taught ... were c) tought ... was 13) Who ... the last competitions? a) won b) win c) wan 14) Did you ... your homework? a) done b) did c) do 15) He ... me some money last time we ... a) gave...meet b) gave...met c) give...met 16) My sister ... in the ocean last summer. a) swim b) swam c) swum 17) He ... my hand yesterday. a) hold b) held c) hould 18) They ... a newspaper two days ago. a) red b) read c) rad 19) He ... he ... the answer. a) thought...know b) thank...knewn c) thought...knew 20) They ... the topic very quickly. a) understand b) understood c) understud

past simple - irregular verbs

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النمط البصري


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