K: Hi, Lee. L: Oh, hi, Krystal. Are you home ____ K: Yes, ____ just back. The holiday was wonderful. So when can you bring Daisy round? I’m ____ her so much. L: Er, I’m really ____ but … K: Oh no! Don’t tell me she’s ____ well! L: I don’t know how it happened. We were in the ____ and Daisy suddenly disappeared. Amy and I looked for her everywhere, in the dark as well, and I even ____ the police but … I feel terrible. It’s all my fault. K: She’s lost? I don’t believe it! Lee Marshall, you ____ idiot! How could you be so careless! You promised to look after her! Oh, she’s here! Daisy! Oh, my ____ Wait! I’m coming! Lee? Look, I’m sorry I was a bit rude. L: No problem. I totally ____. I’m so glad … K: Listen, I’ve got to go now. See you ____. Bye!


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