Non-Action Verbs: Emotions, Preferences, Opinions, States: I am hungry., This book belongs to Mikhail., I think that grammar is easy., He doesn't like his name., You are right., Help is available., I want a sandwich., Tom has a car., Non-Action Verbs: Senses (hear, see, smell, touch, taste): The food smells great!, You look great!, I can't hear you., Action Verbs: Plans: I'm going to New York this weekend., She's studying business next year., Action Verbs: An Action in Progress: Are you living or working in a foreign country?, Many parents in the United States are choosing baby names such as Emma and Noah., At the moment, Jean Twenge is doing research at San Diego State University., These parents are looking for names that their children will like as teens and adults., I'm thinking about grammar right now., I'm listening to you., I'm having a good time.,

Action and Non-Action Verbs


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