1) How many students can be at a Makerspace? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 2) Where do we sit during our lesson in library? a) Carpet b) Chairs c) Wherever we want 3) How can I earn a computer in library? a) Bringing back my books b) Listening during the lesson c) If I show up to specials 4) How many books are students allowed to get? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 5) What tool must you use during checkout? a) Bookmark b) Shelf marker c) A chair d) A pencil 6) What jobs can I help Mrs. Cigich with? a) Cleaning tables and chairs b) Checking the book drops c) Sharpening Pencils d) Straighten Shelves e) Picking up the library f) ALL OF THE ANSWERS 7) If a book is not available what can I do? a) Steal it from the kid who has it b) Put it on hold c) Cry 8) If I am not following library expectations what happens? a) I have to clean up my Makerspace b) Mrs. Cigich will call or email my grown ups c) Mrs. Cigich will talk with my teacher d) All answer choices are possible 9) How many NEW books can I checkout at one time? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 10) How many holiday books can I get at one time? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 11) How do you put in for a book request? a) Ask Mrs. Cigich b) Mrs. Cigich will see if we are allowed to buy it c) Mrs. Cigich will purchase the book d) All of the above answers 12) How do we line up in LIBRARY a) Line Order b) However we want 13) What level of voices should we use during the LESSON? a) ZERO voices (unless asking a question) b) Level 1 (whispering to friends) c) Level 2 (talking to friends) d) Level 3 (shouting with friends) 14) What level of voices should you be using during Makerspace? a) Level Zero (NO talking) b) Level One (whispering) c) Level Two (Normal talking voice) d) Level 3 (Shouting with friends) 15) What are ways you can earn Tiger Tickets in library? a) Coming in quietly b) Listening during the lesson c) Being respectful during checkout d) Playing Makerspace Quietly e) Reading a book quietly f) All of the answers 16) What are things that should be kept away from library books (and iPads) a) Food b) Drinks c) Babies/Sibilings d) Pets e) Kept outside (rain/sun) f) All of the answers

Library Expectations


لوحة الصدارة

النمط البصري


تبديل القالب

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