courageous - being brave, honorable - worthy of respect, immortal - unable to die, concentrate - pay attention to, chambers - open spaces, like in rooms, anonymous - unknown name; not identified by name, circular - have a round shape like a circle, circulatory system - the system of blood traveling through the body, cardiac - related to the heart, synthesize - to take parts and blend together to form a new idea, inferred - to make an educated conclusion based on evidence, synonyms - words with the same meaning, infinitely - to the extreme degree, transplant - move from one place to another, devoured - ate quickly, transport - to carry from one place to another, literal - the exact meaning; word for word, figurative - saying one think but meaning something else, sympathetic - concerned, caring, rhyme - have the same ending sound, meter - pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables, valve - a part that opens and closes as fluids flow through it, rhythm - beat, imagery - a style of writing that creates mental pictures,

Module 1: A Great Heart - Vocabulary


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