1) What is the name of this building a) Oratory b) Refectory c) Beehive hut d) Monastery e) Round tower 2) Is the Confessio of St Patrick a primary or secondary source? a) Primary source b) Secondary source 3) Who was the first missionary to arrive in Ireland? a) Palladius b) St Patrick c) St Kevin d) Moses 4) When men wanted to devote their lives to god, they moved to a a) Church b) Isolated area c) A monastery 5) What kind of lives did monks live? a) Fun and exciting b) Relaxed and chill c) Strict and simple lives 6) Monks were self-sufficient. What does this mean? a) Capable of providing for the selves b) Selfish people c) Looked after themselves with a little bit of help 7) Name the building where monks attended church? a) Round tower b) Refectory c) Beehive hut d) Oratory 8) Scribes worked in the a) Farm b) Oratory c) Scriptorium d) Beehive hut 9) Why did monasteries have fields? (2 correct answers) a) For farming purposes b) For animals to graze c) For prayer 10) Why did monastery’s have circular walls (bank)? a) Protection b) Decor c) They liked circles 11) Manuscripts were... a) A book written by hand in Latin on sheepskin parchment b) Scripts for a new movie c) High cross pictures 12) Vellum was made from... a) Calfskin b) Sheepskin 13) What was used as a pen? a) Quill b) A biro c) A pencil 14) Pick examples below of manuscripts (more than one answer) a) Book of Kells b) Book of Durrow c) An Cathach d) The Bible 15) The Book of Kells and the Book of Durrow can be seen in a) UCD b) DCU c) Trinity College 16) The book of Kells contains a) Images from the Bible b) The story of Adam and Eve c) The gospels 17) Metalwork was created by monks in Monasteries. Tick the appropriate examples below. a) Chalices b) Brooches c) Bells d) Cups e) Spoons 18) True or False: Celitc designs can be found on the metalwork made by monks a) True b) False 19) Tick the appropriate example of a chalice from ECI a) Irish Chalice b) Ardagh Chalice c) Armagh Chalice 20) What could be found on high crosses a) Images of biblical scenes b) Images of St Patrick c) Images of the Celts 21) The Round Towers were used for many reasons. What were they? a) Call to prayer and meals b) A place for protection against attack c) A call to God 22) What was the name of the head of the Monastery a) A bishop b) A Druid c) The Pope d) An Abbot 23) Stonemasons in the monastery created... a) High Crosses b) Chalices c) Beehive huts

Early Christian Ireland Quiz

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