Nebula - Cloud of dust and gases from which stars form, Protostar - A very young star which is not yet shining brightly, Main sequence star - A star during the main part of its 'life cycle', the Sun is one, Red giant - Large star with an outer shell of hydrogen building up , Planetary nebula - A glowing cloud of gases given off from a mature red giant, White dwarf - Glowing remnant of a star 'left over' after planetary nebula is given off, Black dwarf - The remains of a white dwarf which has cooled so much it no longer gives off heat and light, Supergiant - The most massive and most luminous stars, formed at the end of the main sequence, Supernova - Very bright explosion of a very large star, Neutron star - Small, collapsed core remaining from a supergiant exploding, Black hole - A region of spacetime where gravity is so strong, nothing can escape,

Year 10 Space Science Revision - Star Life Cycle


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