exploration - A journey somewhere to discover what is there.  [Paragraph 1: Dave Freeman loves sport and this.], wonders - Things that make you feel amazed.  [Paragraph 1: This is the first thing the reading says Dave Freeman wanted to teach students.], wilderness - A place that is not looked after by people and nobody lives there.  [Paragraph 1: Dave Freeman wanted to teach students about travel here.] , outdoors - Any place not in a building (another word for "outside").  [Paragraph 1: Dave and his wife Amy have been teaching students about this.], waterway - A river, stream or canal used for travelling.  [Paragraph 2: Dave and his wife wanted to use the journey to get people to protect these.], wildlife - All plants and animals that are not looked after by people.  [Paragraph 2: Dave and his wife wanted to teach Elementary and Middle school children about these things in wild areas.], kayak - A long and narrow boat. It's like a canoe but the top is covered. [paragraph 3: Dave and his wife began paddling theirs north.], route - The way or path someone travels to get somewhere.  [Paragraph 4: Students could suggest which of these Dave and his wife should take.], exist - (v) to live, to be real.  [Paragraph 5: Teaching kids when they are young that places do this is a "first stepping stone".],

S4A Reading Vocabulary


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