1) My mother  ___________ to work. a) goes b) go c) going 2)  You __________________ Tv every day. a) watches b) watch c) is watch 3) We ________________ our beds. a) make b) makes c) making 4) Saif _____________ in the morning. a) walk b) walks c) walking 5) We ______________ mother cooking food.  a) helping b) help c) helps 6) I  ____________ study Spanish at school. a) don't b) doesn't c) does 7) I ____________ dinner with my family  a) eats b) eat c) eating 8) Do you ___________ the bird?  a) see b) saw c) sees 9) My father ___________ a letter.  a) write b) writes c) writed 10) She _________ sports on Friday. a) play b) played c) plays

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النمط البصري


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