do away with - 1) abolish, 2) murder, do up - 1) fasten; tie, 2) wrap, 3) repair; redecorate, 4) make oneself more attractive, dress up, do with - want; need, do without - live/continue without having sb/sth, draw in - (of a bus/train) slow down to stop, 2) (tr) attract people, draw up - 1) (of a vehicle) stop, 2) (tr) write sth (a will/a contract, etc), fall apar - 1) break into pieces, 2) end in failure, fall back on / turn to - turn to sb/sth for help when other plans have failed, fall behind - 1) fail to keep up with, 2) be late (with payment), fall for - 1) be deceived, 2) fall in love with sb, fall in with / go along with - agree with; , fall out (with) - quarrel,

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النمط البصري


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