1) The police have _______d the cause of the car accident. a) prevent b) determine c) oven 2) The ______ engine changed the way people worked and lived. a) steam b) slice c) oven 3) I took the bread out of the _____ a few minutes ago. a) pile b) refreshing c) oven 4) Marion proved the students with a personal ______ of what life was like in the 1960s. a) pile b) prevent c) account 5) He _______ed a new fork because he dripped his on the floor. a) acount b) introduce c) request 6) Potatoes were ______d to Europe in the 16th century. a) introduce b) prevent c) oven 7) The river _______s about six meters across. a) introduce b) slice c) measure 8) Jeff ______d he books high on his desk. a) pile b) eat c) introduce 9) George goes out to the movies ______. a) regularly b) request c) refreshing 10) Practicing proper safety habits can _______ workers from being hurt. a) prevent b) measure c) asked 11) Ken ______d the tomato while waiting for the water to boil. a) slice b) introduce c) steam 12) There’s nothing quite as _______ as an ice-cold drink on a hot summer day. a) refreshing b) to refresh c) refresh 13) When ______ French fries, I use a lot of ketchup. a) to eat b) eaten c) eating 14) When _______, Jesse said he hadn’t eaten lunch yet. a) to ask b) asked c) asking 15) Janet is _________ to Japan until next year. a) not moving b) moving c) move

Batuettes : The Iconic French Bread


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