Heart - A hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood to the body through blood vessels., Transport system - 运输系统, Atrium  - Upper chamber that receives blood that comes into the heart., Capillary - Tiny blood vessel that receives blood from artery., Aorta - The largest artery that carries blood from left ventricle., Vein - The blood vessel that carry blood back to the heart., Ventricle  - Lower chamber that pumps blood out of the heart., Cardiovascular system - 心血管系统, Pacemaker  - A group of cells in the right atrium that sends out signals that make the heart muscle contract., Valve  - A flap of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward., Circulatory system - 循环系统, Artery  - The blood vessel that carry blood away from the heart.,

Lesson 1 the body's transport system

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