price-tag - the cost of something very expensive, stall - stop a process from making progress, cutting-edge - the latest or most advanced stage in the development of something, withstand - be strong enough not to be harmed by something, commit to - promise to do something, augmented reality - an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to overlay digital information on an image of something being viewed through a device (such as a smartphone camera), tight-knit - knowing each other very well and helping each other, upkeep - the process of keeping something in good condition, in the long run - not immediately but at some time in the future, unappealing - not attractive or enjoyable, heated - a ___ debate or discussion is one in which people get angry or excited, liken to - say that something is similar to something else, unease - a feeling of being nervous, uncomfortable or unhappy about a situation, pitch - try to sell something by saying how good it is, counterpart - something that has the same purpose as another thing but in a different situation, advocate - someone who strongly and publicly supports something, animatronic - robotic animals that look like the real thing, disconcerting - smth that makes people feel worried, confused or surprised,

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