1. Four high school boys were late for their morning classes. , After lunch they reported to the teacher that they had had a flat tire on the way to school. , Much to their relief, the teacher smiled and said: “Well, you missed the test, so sit down and take out a piece of paper.” , He waited for them to sit down. , Then he said: “First Question:, Who was driving?, 2. A class of fifth graders was riding along in a school bus, happy to be on an educational trip. , The teacher told them that they would write about what they saw for their homework. , Most of them were looking out the windows and pointing to different things. , All of a sudden, the teacher noticed that a boy was sitting on the floor, between the seats, with his hands over his eyes. , “Why are you sitting like that? Are you OK?”, “Well,” said the boy, “if I don’t see anything, I won’t have to write anything, right?", 3. Teacher: Brian, what is the chemical formula for water?, Brian: H I J K L M N O., Teacher: What are you saying?, Brian: Well, you told us it’s H to O, 4. Teacher: Tess, give me a sentence starting with “I.”, Tess: I is..., Teacher: No, Tess... Always say,“I am.” , Tess: All right... I am the ninth letter of the alphabet, 5. Student: Mr. Smith, I ain’t got no books. , Teacher: Young man, you mean, I don’t have any books. You don’t have any books. We don’t have any books. They don’t have any books. Do you see what I’m getting at?, Student: I think so. What happened to all the books?.

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