adroit - skillfull, amicable - peaceful, friendly, averse - unwilling, opposed, having a deep-seated distaste, beiligerent - given to fighting, warlike, aggressive, benevolent - kindly, charitable, cursory - hasty, not thorough, quick, duplicity - treachery, deceitfully, fraud, extol - to praise extravagantly, feasable - possible, able to be done, grimace - a wry face, painful expression, holocaust - a large-scale destruction, especially by fire, impervious - not affected or hurt by, impetus - a moving force, impulse, jeopardy - danger, meticulous - extremely careful, nostalgia - longing for something past, homesickness, quintessence - the purest form of something, most typical example, regress - to move backwards, scrutinize - to examine closely, tepid - lukewarm, unenthusiastic,

Unit 2 Vocabulary


لوحة الصدارة

النمط البصري


تبديل القالب

استعادة الحفظ التلقائي: ؟