1) NI Prime Minister in 1972 a) Brian Faulkner b) Terence O'Neill c) Ian Paisley d) James Chichester Clark 2) extremist Unionist preacher and politician a) Brian Faulkner b) Bill Craig c) David Trimble d) Ian Paisley 3) Senior IRA and SF leader from Belfast a) Martin McGuinness b) Joe Cahill c) Joe McCann d) Gerry Adams 4) SDLP leader from Derry a) Austin Currie b) Gerry Fitt c) John Hume d) Eamon McCann 5) UUP leader who signed the GFA a) Ian Paisley b) Brian Faulkner c) Terence O'Neill d) David Trimble 6) NI P.M who resigned in 1969 a) Brian Faulkner b) Terence O'Neill c) James Chichester Clark d) James Craig 7) IRA and SF leader from Derry a) John Hume b) Eamon McCann c) Brendan Hughes d) Martin McGuinness 8) leader of the 1981 hunger strikes a) Brendan Hughes b) Gerry Adams c) Bobby Sands d) Liam Lynch 9) Taoiseach who signed the GFA a) Albert Reynolds b) Enda Kenny c) Brian Cowen d) Bertie Ahern 10) Soviet dictator a) Joseph Stalin b) Leon Trotsky c) Lenin d) Mikhail Gorbachev 11) US President during the 1980s a) Richard Nixon b) Gerald Ford c) Jimmy Carter d) Ronald Reagan 12) last leader of the Soviet Union a) Stalin b) Gorbachev c) Lenin d) Yeltsin 13) British PM during WW2 a) Winston Churchill b) Neville Chamberlain c) Clement Atlee d) Stanley Baldwin 14) Italian fascist dictator a) Garibaldi b) Crespo c) Mussolini d) Victor Emmanuel 15) Cuban President a) Batistuta b) Castro c) Che Guevara d) Mussolini 16) Soviet leader during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 a) Stalin b) Gorbachev c) Yeltsin d) Khrushchev 17) leader of the Repeal movement a) CS Parnell b) John Redmond c) Wolfe Tone d) Daniel O'Connell 18) leader of the Home Rule Party in 1886 a) Isaac Butt b) John Redmond c) CS Parnell d) John Dillon 19) He founded the Irish Citizens Army in 1913 a) Jim Larkin b) James Connolly c) Patrick Pearse d) Tom Clarke 20) key person in planning the 1916 Rising a) Tom Clarke b) Patrick Pearse c) Eamon De Valera d) Joseph Plunkett 21) IRA director of intelligence during W.O.I a) Eamon De Valera b) Liam Lynch c) Rory O'Connor d) Michael Collins 22) British PM during the Irish W.O.I a) Winston Churchill b) Stanley Baldwin c) David Lloyd George d) Neville Chamberlain 23) US President during the Vietnam War a) Lyndon Johnson b) Richard Nixon c) Jimmy Carter d) Gerald Ford 24) First Communist leader of China a) Ho Chi Minh b) Jao En Lai c) Mao Zedong d) Chiang Kai Shek 25) leader of the United Irishmen in 1798 a) Napper Tandy b) Lord Edward Fitzgerald c) Harvey Bagenal d) Theobald Wolfe Tone 26) leader of the Unionist Party in 1913 a) James Craig b) Henry Wilson c) Edward Carson d) Edward Saunderson 27) he was hanged for treason in 1916 a) Patrick Pearse b) Roger Casement c) Eamon Ceannt d) James Connolly 28) opponent of the Treaty in 1921 a) James Connolly b) Michael Collins c) Cathal Brugha d) Eamon De Valera 29) First President of the USA a) George Washington b) James Maddison c) John Adams d) Thomas Jefferson 30) First Taoiseach to visit Stormont a) Jack Lynch b) Charley Haughey c) Liam Cosgrave d) Seán Lemass 31) Head of the Luftwaffe a) Heinrich Himmler b) Reinhardt Heydrich c) Joseph Goebbels d) Hermann Goering 32) Nazi Propaganda minister a) Himmler b) Heydrich c) Goebbels d) Goering 33) head of the S.S a) Himmler b) Heydrich c) Goebbles d) Goering 34) leader of the Home Rule Party in 1914 a) CS Parnell b) John Dillon c) Isaac Butt d) John Redmond 35) whose symbol was this? a) Italian fascists b) Nazis c) Communists d) anarchists 36) whose symbol was this? a) Italian fascists b) Nazis c) Communists d) anarchists 37) commander of the UN forces in the Korean War a) General Omar Bradley b) General Dwight Eisenhower c) General George Patton d) General Douglas MacArthur 38) US President in 1947 a) FDR b) Lyndon Johnson c) Dwight Eisenhower d) Harry Truman 39) first man in space a) Yuri Gargarin b) John Glenn c) Neil Armstrong d) Michael Collins 40) first leader of the Soviet Union a) Trotsky b) Stalin c) Kamenev d) Lenin 41) author of the Communist Manifesto a) Lenin b) Trotsky c) Karl Marx d) Bukharin 42) key figure in the Bolshevik revolution and the Russian Civil War a) Trotsky b) Lenin c) Bukharin d) Kamenev 43) what is this famous document? a) the castle document b) the Anglo Irish Treaty of 1921 c) the Proclamation d) the Good Friday Agreement 44) seat of Northern Ireland's government a) Windsor b) Hollyrood c) Stormont d) Belfast

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