1) What wonders would you like to visit one day? 2) What monuments do you know? 3) What were you doing the last time your phone rang? 4) Did you ever fall asleep when you were doing something? What were you doing? 5) Have you ever been caught in a rainstorm? What were you doing? What happened? 6) What were your parents doing before they went to work? 7) What was your brother doing before going to school? 8) What were you doing before you went to bed? 9) What have you been doing lately? 10) How long have you been speaking English? 11) Have you been exercising lately? 12) Do you know anyone who had a lot of problems and then became very successful? 13) What is the last movie you’ve seen? What did you like/dislike about it? 14) What new movie would you most like to see? Why? 15) Did you ever see About Schmidt? How did you like it? Why? What kinds of movies are you interested in? 16) What’s your favorite Arabic movie? Why do you like it? 17) What’s your favorite book? Tell me about it 18) Who are your favorite actor and actress? Tell me about them 19) What’s your favorite movie? What’s your favorite movie genre? 20) When was the last time you went to the movie theater? 21) Who do you usually go to the movies with? 22) Do you buy popcorn when you watch a film in a theater? 23) What movie did you watch the last time you went to the movies? 24) Why don’t you go to the movies that often? 25) What’s the best horror film of all time? 26) What’s the best comedy movie of all time? 27) In your opinion, what’s the scariest film ever? 28) Do you prefer to watch movies alone or with friends and family? 29) What do you think about superhero movies? 30) Tell me about something you’ve been doing for a long time, please! 31) What gestures, in your opinion, are understood by people anywhere in the world? 32) Do gestures help you to understand others and express yourself, or are they sometimes confusing and distracting? 33) If you were traveling overseas, what 5 kinds of body language would be most useful? 34) Does your body language change when you are at work or school? In what ways? 35) How much eye contact is used in your home country? Is it rude to stare at someone? 36) Do you think that body language can affect your chances of success in life? How? 37) What are the rules that currently exist at work? Are they all good rules? 38) Are you allowed to eat in the classrooms? 39) What rules might you find on an airplane/at school/in a museum/at work? 40) When do you think it is OK to break the law? 41) Think of an interesting proverb from your country. What does it mean? 42) Do you think the laws in your country are similar to those in other countries? 43) Do you think there are laws for the rich and different laws for the poor? 44) What new laws do you think we’ll have fifty years from now? 45) What law would you like to make for your English class?


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