1) She --- (play) tennis at the weekend. a) plays b) plais c) playes 2) He --- (go) to school by bus. a) gos b) goies c) goes 3) The baby seldom --- (cry) . a) cryes b) cries c) crys 4) My dad --- (fly) planes. a) flys b) flyes c) flies 5) My brother --- (study) every day. a) studies b) studys c) studyes 6) She --- (do) her homework after school. a) dos b) do c) does 7) She --- (try) hard to be polite. a) tryes b) tries c) trys 8) Lucy --- (wash) her hair every day. a) washs b) wash c) washes 9) He --- (enjoy) going swimming. a) enjoys b) enjoyes c) enjoies 10) She --- (buy) a cup of coffee every morning. a) buyes b) buys c) buies

Present Simple: the third person singular

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