cell division - when a cell grows in size and split in two. Cells increase their numbers using cell division, DNA - the substance that chromosomes are made from, chromosome  - huge molecule of DNA found inside the nucleus of a cell , ovum cell  - female sex cell, sperm cell  - male sex cell , embryo - ball of cell formed by cell division from fertilised egg cell, fertilisation  - fusing of a male sex cell with a female sex cell , gamete - scientific name for sex cell , gene - a section of a chromosome that is inherited characteristics of an organism , genetic information  - the instructions that control your characteristics. These instruction are found on genes. , mutation  - a change in a gene, which often alters the instructions that the gene carries , nucleus  - genetic information , variation  - the differences between organism. , allele - different variations of the same gene are called allele  , carrier - Someone whose cell contains an allele for a genetic disease, dominant allele  - an allele that has an effect even if another alleles are present , punnett square - A model used to work out how likely it is that certain combination of alleles will be inherited , recessive alleles - an allele that only has an effect if there are no dominant alleles for a characteristic , sex chromosomes  - chromosomes that determine the sex of an organism  , zygote - scientific word for fertilised egg cell ,


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