I often feel ..... before exams. - anxious , It's .... when a train is late. - annoying , My dad likes to make ... jokes. - silly, Tom is ... . He always does what he promises. - reliable, I'm a .... person. I like to think before I make a decision. - thoughtful , My mum is .... driver. I always feel safe in a car with her. - sensible, Our teacher is so ... He doesn't get angry if we don't do our homework. - easygoing , I'm so .... of your phone. I want one! - jealous , Linda isn't very ... She doesn't enjoy meeting new people. - sociable, Emma is very ... She can sing, play the piano and write her own music. - talented, I'm always ... to my friends. I never lie to them. - loyal,

prepare 5 unit 2 vocabulary friends


لوحة الصدارة

البطاقات التعليمية قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.

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