1) Do you have a milkshake? Yes, I ........... a) don't b) does c) have d) do 2) Do you have pizza? No, I ............... a) does b) Does c) don't d) you 3) ..... you have salad?  a) Does b) Do c) have d) you 4) Do ............ have candy?  a) you b) doesn't c) Do d) Have 5) Do you ............. chicken?  a) have b) Do c) she d) you 6) Does he have a sandwich? Yes, he ....... a) Does b) do c) does d) don't 7) Does he have fries? No, he ................ a) doesn't b) does c) Do d) don't 8) .......... he have a teddy bear? a) don't b) Does c) Do d) do 9) Does ........ have a pencil? a) Have b) she c) don't d) Do 10) Does she ............. a book? a) does b) have c) she d) you

BH2 - Grammar p.1


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