Causes of the Great Depression - Overproduction, Stock Market Speculation, Uneven distribution of wealth, collapse of the farm economy, Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act - raised tariffs on foreign imports. As a result foreign goods could not compete in the American market., Bonus Army - WWI veterans who marched on Washington D.C. to demand receiving their lump sum payments immediately., Bank Holiday - The closure of banks to eliminate bank runs, Fireside Chats - Informal radio speeches FDR used to communicate with the American people to provide reassurance, Keynesian Economics - The reverse of trickle-down economics; governmental monetary support given to the citizens instead of big corporations, Court packing - FDR strategy to appoint and fill the Supreme Court with Democrats which will sweepingly support his New Deal policies., The Great Depression - The worst economic slowdown in American history that took place around 1929 to 1939, Dust Bowl - an area in the Great Plains that experienced huge dust storms during the Great Depression, Hoovervilles - shanty towns built by the homeless,

The Great Depression and New Deal


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