largely - for the most part, generally, ignored - disregarded, unnoticed, boast - brag, blow one's own trumpet,, custard - a special sweet sauce, delicacy - a special dish/food , franchise - grant, concession, privilege, amongst - in the midst/ middle of of, , ultimate - the most significant, fundamental, spread - used with "out"= scattered, expanded, clamber - scramble, climb with difficulty, wade - pass through with difficulty (e.g. water), frequent - visit repeatedly, row - a line or long continuous strip, whimper - complain, whine, prompt - to urge/spur/encourage, chase - run after, pursue, follow, horrid - nasty, dreadful, unpleasant, nodded - accepted by signalling with the head, apron - protective garment often used while cooking, ribbon - long strip of fine material used to decorate the hair, sympathetically - perceptively, understandingly, warmly, skipping - jumping over a rope in a game, retort - respond quickly, soak - seep into, permeate, hankie - handkerchief, sigh - exhale in relief or weariness, intrepid - daring, brave, confident - self-assured, stroll - leisurely walk, swig - large swallow from a bottle,

Vocabulary from FCE reading


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