Allele  - A version of a gene, Chromosone - A single highly organized and structured piece of DNA, DNA - A molecule containing the info that forms the heredity material of all cells , Dominant - The inherited characteristic that is always expressed when present, Gene - The basic physical and functional unit of heredity made up of DNA , Genotype - The exact genetic info carried by an individual , Heredity - The transfer of genetic info from parent to offspring, Nucleus - A membrane bound organelles in eukaryotic cells that contains DNA - the control center of the cell. , Phenotype - The physical expression of a gene or a set of genes - the appearance of an organism, Recessive - The inherited characteristics that is expressed only when no dominant allele is present, Trait - A characteristic of an organism; can be genetic or acquired , Homozygous - When you inherit the same version of the gene from each parent, so you have two matching genes., Hetrozygous - When you inherit a different version of a gene from each parent. They do not match., Interphase: - A period during the cell cycle of a cell’s growth and development.You inherit a different version of a gene from each parent. They do not match., Chromatid: - One of the two identical halves of a chromosome that has been replicated in preparation for cell division, Mitosis: - One of the two stages in the mitotic phase. When the nucleus and its contents divide., Centromere: - The structure that sister chromatids are held by., Prophase: - First phase of mitosis. In the beginning, the chromosomes duplicate to form two long, thin strands called chromatids. During prophase itself, the chromatids condense and thicken to form distinct bodies., Metaphase: - Second phase of mitosis. During this, the nucleus dissolves and the cell's chromosomes condense and move together, aligning in the center of the dividing cell., Anaphase: - Third phase of mitosis. During this, the chromosomes move from the center toward the opposite ends of a dividing cell., Telophase: - Last phase of mitosis, when chromosomes move in opposite directions so two new cells can be formed from one, Cytokinesis - The process by which one cell physically divides into two cells., Diversity - the variety of life on earth., Offspring - The product of the reproductive processes of a person, animal, or plant, Gamete - A reproductive cell of an animal or plant., Petals - A segment of a flower; colored. , Stamen - The male reproductive part of a flower., Anther - The part of the stamen where pollen is produced., Filament - Found in animal/plant structures: a single thread or a thin flexible threadlike object, process, or appendage., Pistil/Carpel - the female reproductive part of a flower/one of the structures deep inside a flower that together make up the ovary of a flowering plant.,

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