suggest (v) - to put forward a plan, idea, etc for consideration, recommend (v) - to state that someone or something would be good/suitable for a particular job or purpose, side-effects (n) - an unpleasant result of a drug, medical treatment, or vaccine that happens in addition to the main intention, over-the-counter medicine (n) - medicine that can be sold directly to people without a prescription , contains (v) - to have or to hold something within, safe (adj) - protected from or not exposed to danger or risk, drowsiness (n) - a feeling of being sleepy and lethargic, in-stock  - available for purchase right now, expensive (adj) - costing a lot of money (the opposite of cheap), cream (n) - a thick liquid or semisolid cosmetic or medical preparation applied to the skin., syrup (n) - a thick sweet liquid containing medicine or used as a drink., capsule (n) - a very small tube containing powdered or liquid medicine, which you swallow., tablet (n) - a small, round dose of medicine (usually needs to be swallowed whole), gastrointestinal issues (n) - stomach problems including: constipation, diarrhea, and nausea, caution (n) - care taken to avoid danger or mistakes,

4. Pharmacy Vocabulary - Listening


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