1) No matter what they say, she is ...................... to run for mayor. a) bound to b) on second thoughts c) having cold feet 2) They were walking down the path when ........................... something jumped out of the bushes. a) in the nick of time b) come in handy c) all of a sudden 3) Helen will soon find out whether she got into law school; in the meantime, she is ............................ .” a) keeping her fingers crossed b) bound to c) judging by appearances 4) The police arrived .......................... . a) come rain or shine b) in the nick of time c) on second thoughts 5) The party will be on Tuesday ..................................... . a) come rain or shine b) come in handy c) all of a sudden 6) - 'I'm getting married next week!' - 'What?????' ; - 'Ah! Don't worry, I'm only .................................... .' a) having cold feet b)  pulling your leg c) coming in handy 7) ....................................... , I think I'll go after all to the meeting. a) All of a sudden b) On second thoughts c) Judging by appearances 8) Good luck getting her out on stage, she always ............................................. before a performance. a) bounds to b) come rain or shine c) gets cold feet 9) At school we store a lot of things like toilet and kitchen paper rolls, because they might .............................. for props . a) come in handy b) bound to c) all of a sudden 10) The candidate did not look very intelligent, but you .............................................. .  a) can't judge a book by its cover b) pull someone's leg c) keep your fingers crossed

Idioms Practice for FCE


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